Thursday, May 25, 2006

I do laugh when I see that people are still reading this. Not that I'm laughing at's just my ego swelling in an unnecesary way. I do think it's interesting that people seem to have such an idea about what I should be doing with my life, regardless of how much they know about it. I guess it's an american attitude...most of us judge celebrities based on what we know or speculate about them. Now I'm not saying that I 'm a celebrity, but I have volunteered a certain amount of infromation about my life that people have formed opinions about. And usually I'm not like that. Sure I have minor opinions when I really think someone is underachieving or going down the wrong path, but generally I am happy to let people live their lives without much advise from my part.

Maybe it's because some people looked at what I was doing and got to experience a little bit of freedom vicariously. Wow I sound like an asshole writing something like that. Maybe it's my problem...that I am somewhat suseptible to what people think about me. But I thought back on some of the opinions that people have expressed lately and just shook my head because there is a whole other story going on. I like what Ricky had to say "we'll support you no matter what you decide". I don't want to step on anybodies toes either. I am not reacting any one person or comment and most of the things I have in mind have been said away from this blog, so please I'm not trying to hurt your feelings.

One thing that is really interesting to sit with right now is the possibility that I am wrong, and that I am going to fail. There is alot of doubt and trust in staying in the moment, even though there is a part of me who wants to bolt sometimes. And I'm trying to practice that wisdom of acceptance rather than my projections of what I would rather see happening. It's not easy. Maybe that's why I stopped playing baseball as a kid. When I was a kid I LOVED baseball. Ask my parents and relatives, I LIVED for the Dodgers. I loved going to Dodger stadium, I loved watching the games on TV and hearing Vin Scully, and I loved pretending that I was a Dodger. And then I got old enought to play little league and mot only was I not a good player, but I eneded up on a shitty team. And I gave up on it. I had one last place season and that was it. But life isn't that easy right? You've got to walk through the rough times the same as the good ones.

And maybe I am better off or I have learned something. Because even when I am having difficulties, I am still clean and sober and I don't see that changing. And being able to sit and experience the wide range of human emotions is certainly better than giving in to addiction.

It's funny, ever since I read Elizabeth's comment about my "dark" blog I have tried not to be so dark...but it is just what comes out. It makes me laugh because if you know me you know I like to laugh, but the blog is what it is. And I can't JUST complain or say the glass is half empty...I have to aknowledge that I know it's just my own opinion and that someone else might see it as half full.

An old saying of wisdom is only a fool thinks he knows everything, but the wise man knows he doesn't have a clue. And I'm not saying I am wise but I am certainly not a fool (at least not according to that definition)


At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first read I want to say you are a cheeky little brat, aren't you?
Then I look up the true definition of cheeky, and it really doesn't fit, but you know what I mean.
Maybe the word I'm searching for is candid.

I hear grandpa is doing well. There seems to be an abundance of rabbits this season ( mild winter) so that will be fun for him.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Hotboy said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog again! Last time weren't you in the far east. You in Belgium now? That's what the address seems to indicate on statscounter. Hmmm? Hotboy

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of us are following because there is a connection and this is the only venue available right now.
Love getting insight into you :-)
Aunt Sophie

At 12:08 PM, Blogger Tor said...

Looking at all this as an outsider who doesn't know you except through these transient pixels on a screen, it seems that you are following a path you need to follow, and of course it is hard. Any path worth taking is hard. Good luck, and may you achieve ultimate liberation.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for what you said: "let people live their lives without much advise from my part."

I needed it to hear from someone else to see it and apply it.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Johno, was driving by and the saw the lights still on...

So you say:
"One thing that is really interesting to sit with right now is the possibility that I am wrong, and that I am going to fail."

Like Chogyam trungpa said "This is a path of disappointment"; yes you are wrong and you will fail, its all a part of the process and when you surrender to that, life opens up and there is an incredible freedom, when you become as a grain of sand there is nowhere to fall...

Reading your blog I am reminded of what Douglas Coupland said recently in interview:

"At the time I just felt it had to be done. It wasn't really an ego thing: I just realised that many of us now exist in a secondary fashion, a meta-fashion, thanks to the Internet, and the second you is related to but isn't quite you, so I thought it would be an idea to exploit this. If I put my own name into Google or Yahoo, I will discover that a kind of meta-Doug exists. I exist in there, my name, but it's not me: it's a mix of truths, half-truths, nonsense, misunderstanding, rumour, misinterpretation. But the thing is that Meta-Doug is going to exist for a lot longer than the real one is in this world. Once I'm gone, this other me is going to keep on going on the net, cut and pasted and repeated: in the future we will all exist there, in this flawed afterlife."

lots of love
take good care
fix up


"It takes hundreds of reincarnations to bring two persons to ride on the same boat; it takes a thousand eons to bring two persons to share the same pillow."
Mandarin proverb


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