Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Random Camera Phone Pics Part 2 -Thailand

Welcome to part 2.

This picture just cracks me up, old Ronald giving the traditional Thai Namaste greeting. The real irony is that the people pride themselves on never being colonized. I'll leave it at that.

My favorite place in Bangkok...the 8 story MBK Center mall.

And kids doing some strange random dance in said mall.

I took some random pics waiting for the sky train yesterday


At 10:47 PM, Blogger youknowwho said...

great pictures! you and your sister have a knack for catching amazing shots. must run in the family ;-)

thanks for your comment on my blog. it's fun how the internet connects otherwise random people. although seeing as how your sister is the greatest and i love her dearly, you're not so random at all :-)

-ciao for now

At 3:25 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Jonathan!!! These pixs are amazing for some shitty camera phone. I have never seen something so clean come out of one of those things. Must be the Chinese techy's at work.


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